Massoud Mazar

Sharing The Knowledge


Trick Google Chrome to save password

Today I was trying to get Google chrome to save my username and password for a web site but it would not offer me to save it. This web site uses the browser popup for login credentials (which is caused by the server sending back HTTP 401: Unauthorized). Chrome would show the popup and I could login after entering credentials, but would not offer to save it. My settings related to saving passwords was correct and this site was not in the "Do not save" list. I tried many solutions, like deleting files from App Data folder or even uninstalling and re-installing chrome. Until I found an interesting behaviour by accident. More...

C# code to play PCAP capture of HTTP request

If you have been involved in troubleshooting web applications providing APIs to clients, you know how easier it is to have the actual request sent from client and be able to replay that against your server code to find the problem. Tools we use in my team is WireShark and NCAT. When QA team finds a problem, we always ask for the WireShark capture of the communication. More...

IIS URL Rewrite and double counting 4.0 requests

I'm heavily depending on performance counters to keep track of web application activity. After years of using IIS URL Rewrite to rewrite 2.0 applications with no issue, we upgraded to 4.0 and suddenly noticed a 100% jump in number of requests processed per second. I did a lot of search to understand why and could not find anything. More...