1. January 2018 15:32
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When finishing my capstone project for Coursera's Data Science Certificate track, I needed to load relatively large amount of data (more than 400 MB when loaded). This load operation was taking a few seconds so to let the user of my Shiny app know they need to wait, I decided to use a progress bar.
It is not very complicated, but took me a little time to figure out the right combination. Here are the main points which are shown in following sample code:
- Define your variables in the root scope (set them to null)
- In "server" function, check if the variable is null and call your "load" function
- Pass "session" to load function to be used by "Progress"
And here is the code (summarized):
dt2 <- NULL
dt3 <- NULL
dt4 <- NULL
dt5 <- NULL
readData <- function(session, dt2, dt3, dt4, dt5) {
progress <- Progress$new(session)
progress$set(value = 0, message = 'Loading...')
dt2 <<- readRDS("dt2.rds")
progress$set(value = 0.25, message = 'Loading...')
dt3 <<- readRDS("dt3.rds")
progress$set(value = 0.5, message = 'Loading...')
dt4 <<- readRDS("dt4.rds")
progress$set(value = 0.75, message = 'Loading...')
dt5 <<- readRDS("dt5.rds")
progress$set(value = 1, message = 'Loading...')
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
readData(session, dt2, dt3, dt4, dt5)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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